Results for 'Jordi Crespo Saumell'

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  1.  42
    Plato, the Medicine, and the Paraphrase on the Timaeus in the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2017 - Rhizomata 5 (2):148-176.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Rhizomata Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 148-176.
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    New Lights on the Anonymus Londiniensis Papyrus.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2017 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 11 (2):120.
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    (1 other version)Who Are ‘the Ancients’?Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    Qui sont « les Anciens »? Dans cet article nous allons examiner la signification de l’expression « les Anciens » dans le papyrus médical appelé Anonyme de Londres, en essayant de lui donner une juste attribution. L’examen contextuel des deux occurrences de ce terme révèle que le rapprochement avec les Aristotéliciens, proposé par la plupart des interprétations, est plutôt plausible. Cette conclusion est basée sur deux éléments : d’abord d’étroites analogies avec quelques textes d’Aristote, puis l’usage qui a été fait (...)
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    El Comentario a las Categorías de Aristóteles en el Palimpsesto de Arquímedes.Jordi Crespo Saumell - 2015 - Endoxa 35:11.
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    Jordi Gol i Gurina, 1924-1985: els grans temes d'un pensament i d'una vida.Jordi Gol - 1986 - Barcelona: Llar del Llibre. Edited by Josep Bigordà.
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    What are the benefits of memory distortion?Jordi Fernández - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:536-547.
  7.  10
    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble & Eugenio Trâias - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it’s a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    Badain Jaran: The Forgotten Desert.Carlos Crespo - 2013 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Badain Jaran is a desert, more than 19,000 square miles of endless openness, with innumerable sand dunes up to 1,600 feet tall and mysterious salt-water lakes. It is part of the Alashan desert, south-west to the Gobi in the Inner Mogolia province of China. A place that has been discovered by American scientists on satellite images in the 1980s only that miraculously has been kept hidden to most people since. In 2009-12 Carlos Crespo realised a vast photo essay on (...)
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  10. Privileged access naturalized.Jordi Fernandez - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):352-372.
    The purpose of this essay is to account for privileged access or, more precisely, the special kind of epistemic right that we have to some beliefs about our own mental states. My account will have the following two main virtues. First of all, it will only appeal to those conceptual elements that, arguably, we already use in order to account for perceptual knowledge. Secondly, it will constitute a naturalizing account of privileged access in that it does not posit any mysterious (...)
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    Validity and Defeasibility in the Legal Domain.Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Ratti - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (5):601-626.
    In jurisprudential literature, the adjective ‘defeasible’ appears as a predicate of many terms: concepts, laws, rules, reasoning, justification, proof, and so on. In this paper, we analyze the effects of some versions of the thesis of the defeasibility of legal norms on the reconstruction of the notion of legal validity. We analyze some possible justifications of this thesis considered as a claim concerning validity, and enquire into two possible sets of problems related to the defeasibility of the criteria of identification (...)
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    (1 other version)Epistemic Generation in Memory.Jordi Fernández - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (3):620-644.
    Does memory only preserve epistemic justification over time, or can memory also generate it? I argue that memory can generate justification based on a certain conception of mnemonic content. According to it, our memories represent themselves as originating on past perceptions of objective facts. If this conception of mnemonic content is correct, what we may believe on the basis of memory always includes something that we were not in a position to believe before we utilised that capacity. For that reason, (...)
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  13.  72
    Memory and Self-Reference.Jordi Fernández - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 32 (1):59-77.
    Our memories elicit, in us, both beliefs about what the external world was like in the past, and beliefs about what our own past experience of it was like in the past. What explains the power of memories to do that? I tackle this question by offering an account of the content of our memories. According to this account, our memories are ‘token-reflexives’, in that they represent their own causal origin. My main contention will be that our memories are able (...)
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  14.  86
    Fuzzy Empiricism and Fuzzy‐Set Causality: What Is All the Fuzz About?Jordi Cat - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (1):26-41.
    This paper examines a novel notion of causality, namely, fuzzy-set-theoretic causality. Over the last decade, a number of conceptual models of causality, in the language of fuzzy-set theory, have appeared in the scientific literature and have been applied to empirical research. They have circulated widely from one scientific discipline to another, weaving a unifying thread through them. However, they have received no philosophical attention. In this paper, I will discuss the value and limitations of this type of model and will (...)
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  15.  75
    Empiricism and experience : Two problems.Jordi Valor Abad - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2):323 – 328.
  16.  14
    Jordi Maragall, Eugenio Trías: conversa.Jordi Maragall I. Noble - 1988 - [Barcelona]: Ajuntament de Barcelona. Edited by Eugenio Trías.
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  17. Privileged Access Revisited.Jordi Fernández - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):102 - 105.
    Aaron Zimmerman has recently raised an interesting objection to an account of self-knowledge I have offered. The objection has the form of a dilemma: either it is possible for us to be entitled to beliefs which we do not form, or it is not. If it is, the conditions for introspective justification within the model I advocate are insufficient. If not, they are otiose. I challenge Zimmerman's defence of the first horn of the dilemma.
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    Fenomenología, sentimientos e identidad. La contribución de la fenomenología husserliana de los sentimientos a la cuestión de la identidad personal.Mariano Crespo - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (2):605-617.
    El artículo aborda la cuestión de la contribución de los sentimientos a la “conformación” y a la “revelación” de la identidad personal desde la perspectiva de la fenomenología husserliana. Para ello se parte de una breve descripción de qué entiende Edmund Husserl por “sentimientos” señalando el error de considerar esta esfera como una esfera homogénea. La distinción fundamental que cruza la misma es la existente entre sensaciones afectivas y actos afectivos. Manuscritos inéditos de Husserl a los que el autor ha (...)
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  19. Self-deception and self-knowledge.Jordi Fernández - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (2):379-400.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an account of a certain variety of self-deception based on a model of self-knowledge. According to this model, one thinks that one has a belief on the basis of one’s grounds for that belief. If this model is correct, then our thoughts about which beliefs we have should be in accordance with our grounds for those beliefs. I suggest that the relevant variety of self deception is a failure of self-knowledge wherein the (...)
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  20. Self‐Knowledge, Rationality and Moore's Paradox.Jordi Fernández - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):533-556.
    I offer a model of self‐knowledge that provides a solution to Moore's paradox. First, I distinguish two versions of the paradox and I discuss two approaches to it, neither of which solves both versions of the paradox. Next, I propose a model of self‐knowledge according to which, when I have a certain belief, I form the higher‐order belief that I have it on the basis of the very evidence that grounds my first‐order belief. Then, I argue that the model in (...)
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  21. Memory: A Self-Referential Account.Jordi Fernández - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a philosophical account of memory. Memory is remarkably interesting from a philosophical point of view. Our memories interact with mental states of other types in a characteristic way. They also have some associated feelings that other mental states lack. Our memories are special in terms of their representational capacity too, since we can have memories of objective events, and we can have memories of our own past experiences. Finally, our memories are epistemically special, in that beliefs formed (...)
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  22.  16
    Experiencia sensorial y marketing sonoro. La motivación del uso de la música en locales comerciales y sus consecuencias en el comportamiento del consumidor.Isidro Sánchez-Crespo & María Jesús Carrasco-Santos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (5):1-15.
    El estudio de la motivación de la utilización de los sistemas de control avanzado de música ambiental y el hecho de crear un buen ambiente, una buena experiencia de cara al cliente que entra en un local a realizar una compra debido al atractivo generado por la música es el objetivo de esta investigación. El estudio de las emociones que se derivan de la utilización de la música en locales comerciales y la repercusión que tiene en el comportamiento de compra (...)
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    Influence of corporate social responsibility on loyalty and valuation of services.Angel Herrero Crespo & Ignacio Rodríguez del Bosque - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (4):369-385.
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    Nietzsche y la redención del azar.Remedios Avila Crespo - 1986 - Granada: Universidad de Granada.
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  25.  79
    Forgiveness and its Healing Effects in the Face of Suffering and Death.Mariano Crespo - 2007 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81 (4):579-594.
    To consider that the nature of forgiveness consists in its healing effects on the forgiver overlooks the distinction between the nature of forgiveness and the question about its desirable effects. What I suggest is that the curing effect of forgiveness is an indirectly intended consequence of forgiveness. To forgive mywrongdoer only because this is the way to gain inner peace or to “heal my soul” shows a somewhat utilitarian view on forgiveness. By forgiving the wrongdoer, thevictim extends an attitude of (...)
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  26. La ciencia práctica y sus características: ensayo de sistematización y aplicación a la economía.Ricardo Crespo - 1998 - Analogía Filosófica 12 (2):173-196.
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  27. Sue Him, Noam!Jordy Cummings - unknown
    After September 11, Sullivan wrote that while he wasn’t worried about the heartland, “decadent coastal liberals may well mount a fifth column.†This in response, as is well known, to a thoughtful New Yorker essay by Susan Sontag. Sullivan, who Eric Alterman—not usually a sharp wordsmith—memorably calls “Young Roy Cohn†later issued “Sontag awards.†His attitude and his popularization of a sort of Lynne Cheneyist position on what “Views†are improper and thus should not be publicly aired, probably did far (...)
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    Positional Differences in the Most Demanding Scenarios of External Load Variables in Elite Futsal Matches.Jordi Illa, Daniel Fernandez, Xavier Reche & Fabio R. Serpiello - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aims of this study were to analyze the peak physical demands in elite futsal by quantifying the most demanding scenarios of match play and to identify the differences between playing positions and the seasonal trend for five different rolling average time windows. The most demanding scenarios of external load from distance, speed, acceleration, and deceleration variables were obtained from 14 elite futsal players using a local positioning system during 15 official matches in the premier Spanish Futsal League. The results (...)
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    (1 other version)Sempre nòmades.Jordi Llimona - 1970 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
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  30. Traducción: John Toland y la lucha del filósofo contra la superstición y la ignorancia." Cartas a Serena. Carta I".Jordi Morillas - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:175-194.
  31. Particularismo epistémico, fragmentación académica e interdisciplinariedad.Jordi Mundó - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):245-249.
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    Roldán, Concha y Moro, Óscar (eds.): Aproximaciones a la contingencia. Historia y actualidad de una idea.Pedro Ochoa Crespo - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:232-233.
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    Servitude & simulacre en temps réel et flux constant: réfutation des thèses réactionnaires et révisionnistes du postmodernisme.Jordi Vidal - 2007 - Paris: Allia.
    Déconstruire les thèses révisionnistes et réactionnaires du postmodernisme en utilisant leurs armes théoriques. Si ces thèses s'imposent par une gestion performante des simulacres, Vidal leur oppose un contre-simulacre qui cherche à ruiner durablement l'idéologie constitutive du postmodernisme.
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    Metaphor and contextual coherence: it's a match!Inés Crespo, Andreas Heise & Claudia Picazo - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–35.
    Many sentences can be interpreted both as a metaphor and as a literal claim, depending on the context. The aim of this paper is to show that there are discourse-based systematic constraints on the identification of an utterance as metaphorical, literal, or both (as in the case of twice-apt metaphors), from a normative point of view. We claim that the key is contextual coherence. In order to substantiate this claim, we introduce a novel notion of context as a rich and (...)
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    Cognitive Frames of Poverty and Tension Handling in Base-of-the-Pyramid Business Models.Jordis Grimm - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (8):2070-2114.
    Base-of-the-pyramid business models aim to achieve profitability and poverty reduction by including poor people into corporate value chains. This goal duality creates tensions. Actors’ responses to these tensions are influenced by their cognitive frames of the phenomena building the tension. Applying a cognitive perspective, I investigate how corporate actors with different frames of poverty respond proactively or defensively to the poverty–profitability tension by adapting business model elements. I find that proactive and defensive responses differ for actors holding different cognitive frames (...)
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    A Finite Hilbert‐Style Axiomatization of the Implication‐Less Fragment of the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus.Jordi Rebagliato & Ventura Verdú - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):61-68.
    In this paper we obtain a finite Hilbert-style axiomatization of the implicationless fragment of the intuitionistic propositional calculus. As a consequence we obtain finite axiomatizations of all structural closure operators on the algebra of {–}-formulas containing this fragment.
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  37.  16
    Philosophy of the Economy: An Aristotelian Approach.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book develops a philosophical analysis of economic reality and economic science from an Aristotelian point of view. It is the result of many years of thinking and philosophical study about these topics. It differs from other philosophy of economics books as it also deals with economic reality (not only the science) and approaches its subject from an Aristotelian perspective. It differs from other Aristotelian studies about economics as it covers the whole of philosophy of the economy. This book argues (...)
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    Comparative Study of Imputation Algorithms Applied to the Prediction of Student Performance.Concepción Crespo-Turrado, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Fernando Sánchez-Lasheras, José Antonio López-Vázquez, Francisco Javier De Cos Juez, Francisco Javier Pérez Castelo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Emilio Corchado - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Student performance and its evaluation remain a serious challenge for education systems. Frequently, the recording and processing of students’ scores in a specific curriculum have several flaws for various reasons. In this context, the absence of data from some of the student scores undermines the efficiency of any future analysis carried out in order to reach conclusions. When this is the case, missing data imputation algorithms are needed. These algorithms are capable of substituting, with a high level of accuracy, the (...)
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  39.  14
    Economics and Other Disciplines: Assessing New Economic Currents.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, economics exported its logic - utility maximization - to the analysis of several human activities or realities: a tendency that has been called "economic imperialism". This book explores the concept termed by John Davis as "reverse imperialism", whereby economics has been seen in recent years to have taken in elements from other disciplines. Economics and Other Disciplines sheds light on the current state and possible future development of economics by focusing on it (...)
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  40. The intentionality of memory.Jordi Fernández - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (1):39-57.
    The purpose of this essay is to determine how we should construe the content of memories or, in other words, to determine what the intentional objects of memory are.1 The issue that will concern us is, then, analogous to the traditional philosophical question of whether perception directly puts us in cognitive contact with entities in the world or with entities in our own minds. As we shall see, there are some interesting aspects of the phenomenology and the epistemology of memory, (...)
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    ‘Ethics is transcendental’.Jordi Fairhurst - 2021 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (3):348-367.
    In this paper I offer a novel interpretation of Wittgenstein's claim that ‘ethics is transcendental’. Initially, I set out to offer said interpretation by resorting to both Wittgenstein's understanding of ethics and his understanding of the transcendentality of logic—which entails taking Wittgenstein as endorsing a Kantian understanding of the notion ‘transcendental’. This leads to the claim that ethics is transcendental insofar as it is the condition of a certain ethical experience. Nevertheless, this interpretation involves some inadequacies due to certain incompatibilities (...)
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  42.  50
    Xenological Subjectivity: Rosi Braidotti and Object-Oriented Ontology.Jordi Vivaldi - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):311-334.
    The conceptualization of the notion of subjectivity within the Anthropocene finds in Rosi Braidotti’s posthumanism one of its most explicit and profuse modulations. This essay argues that Braidotti’s model powerfully accounts for the Anthropocene’s subjectivity by conceiving the “self” as a transversal multiplicity and its relationality to the “others” and the “world” as non-hierarchized by nature–culture distinctions; however, by being ontologically grounded on a neo-Spinozistic monism, Braidotti’s model blurs the notions of finitude, agency, and change, obscuring the possibility of critical (...)
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  43.  44
    Won’t get fooled again: The effects of internal and external csr Eco-labeling.Jordy F. Gosselt, Thomas van Rompay & Laura Haske - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):413-424.
    Although most consumers are positive about socially responsible companies, in order to benefit from CSR efforts, effective and clear CSR communication is important. However, due to the constantly rising profusion of eco-labels, based on either own claims from the organization or claims made by an external third party, consumers may encounter difficulties in identifying truly responsible firms, which could result in less effective CSR initiatives, even for those responsible firms. Therefore, building on attribution theory, this study seeks to identify how (...)
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  44.  5
    From Quantum Holism to the Disunity of Science and Social Activism: The Cat-Feyerabend Correspondence.Jordi Cat & Jamie Shaw - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (4):243-290.
    This essay offers a discussion and contextualisation of a series of letters exchanged between Jordi Cat and Paul Feyerabend from 1989 to 1994. These letters provide insights into Feyerabend’s later thought on a variety of themes including quantum holism, the disunity of science, the development of logical empiricism, and science activism. In doing so, we provide some original analysis and exegesis of Feyerabend’s evolving views on scientific methodology and quantum mechanics by focusing on Feyerabend’s changing attitudes towards Bohm, Bohr, (...)
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  45. Thinking about the financial and economic crisis: Some brief notes on its causes and remedies: Crespo thinking about the financial and economic crisis.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2009 - Think 8 (23):97-103.
    An economic crisis is an unexpected phenomenon with strong consequences for nations, institutions and people's wealth, habits, and behaviors. It departs from the ‘normal’ evolution of the affairs foreseen by economic theory. It makes the claim for new theoretical explanations. It surprises the economic agents that try to ascertain what kind of phenomenon they are facing in order to decide the appropriate actions to undertake. It calls for revisions of theory, plans and expectations. Overall, a crisis calls for an explanation (...)
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    The Four Analytic Levels of Social Sciences.Ricardo Crespo - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 24 (2):93-127.
    Cet article défend l’idée que l’on peut distinguer quatre niveaux d’analyse au sein des sciences sociales (y compris l’économie) – à savoir, a) un niveau descriptif statistique, b) un niveau explicatif causal, c) un niveau explicatif téléologique, et d) un niveau téléologique prescriptif. Généralement, les sciences sociales ne considèrent que les niveaux a) et b). L’exclusion du niveau c) peut conduire à considérer comme des « anomalies » certains comportements qui ne sont pas compatibles avec des théories comme celle du (...)
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    Otto Neurath.Jordi Cat - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 38.
    Four distinguished authors have been brought together to produce this elegant study of a much-neglected figure. The book is divided into three sections: Neurath's biographical background and the economic and social context of his ideas; his theory of science; and the development of his role in debates on Marxist concepts of history and his own conception of science. Coinciding with the emerging serious interest in logical positivism, this timely publication will redress a current imbalance in the history and philosophy of (...)
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  48. Observer memory and immunity to error through misidentification.Jordi Fernández - 2021 - Synthese (1):641-660.
    Are those judgments that we make on the basis of our memories immune to error through misidentification? In this paper, I discuss a phenomenon which seems to suggest that they are not; the phenomenon of observer memory. I argue that observer memories fail to show that memory judgments are not IEM. However, the discussion of observer memories will reveal an interesting fact about the perspectivity of memory; a fact that puts us on the right path towards explaining why memory judgments (...)
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  49. (1 other version)The Later Wittgenstein on Expressive Moral Judgements.Jordi Fairhurst - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    This paper shows that Wittgenstein's later explorations of the meaning of expressive moral judgements reach far deeper than has so far been noticed. It is argued that an adequate description of the meaning of expressive moral judgements requires engaging in a grammatical investigation that focuses on three interwoven components within specific language-games. First, the ethical reactions expressed by moral words and the additional purpose they may fulfil. Second, the features of the actions which are bound up with moral words and (...)
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  50. Combatant Responsibility for Fighting in Unjust Wars.Jordy Rocheleau - 2010 - Social Philosophy Today 26:93-106.
    Just war theory has traditionally presupposed what Michael Walzer calls the moral equality of soldiers: that combatants on all sides have an equal right to kill, such that the soldier is not blameworthy for fighting for an unjust cause. The theory of moral equality has come under increasing attack by Jeff McMahan and others who argue that soldiers are responsible for killing for an unjust cause. I agree with McMahan that soldiers cannot be justified in serving injustice, such that there (...)
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